Announcement – 2016 New Year’s ride to the sea! 1st January 2015!


New Year’s Day Ride South. A short 120km social ride south to the sea and back.

0645 fuxing park, 0655 Fuxing Ferry, 0700 Pudong Side for wake up double espresso at LaParisienne, 0715 start of the ride. Going South through Pudong Expo, following river. Bowl of noodles and coffee by the sea. Return up Puxi side for coffee and light lunch near Puxi Expo. Moderate chat hangover pace with the occasional interval. Heavy rain or 200+ aqi = cancel.

元旦一路往南休闲骑 (预计120公里左右)0645 复兴公园门口集合(复兴路/重庆路),0655 复兴东路轮渡码头集合 0700 浦东法国面包店集合(喝咖啡,早餐)0715正式出发,经过世博大道一路往南,直到海边(到时候可以吃面喝咖啡),接着返程. 下雨天/空气污染指数高于200:活动取消