Introduction to routes from HQM to the Drinkstand and Beyond

Shanghai West Canal- and Lake-Rides Guide


This guide contains proposals for road biking in the western part of Shanghai. Rides ranging from 81km up to 170km.

All routes are compatible to the group ride of the “Saturday HQM-Group”, which starts Saturday 6:30am (7am in winter) at Hongqiao Marriot Hotel (HQM), Hongqiao Lu/Jianhe Lu (POI 5.1) and ride to “the” drinkstand at shenzhuan lu (POI 5.3) and back to HQM. At the drinkstand, usually some riders gather to make one of the longer rides.Of course every ride here can be made individually, but it is more fun doing it with the group.

Not necessary to say that within this area are many other different variations possible. I need to note that there are plenty of commonalities between the rides, some are only shorter versions of other rides.

This guide is shown online and split into 4 sections and some POI’s.

Submitted by JoeM January 2015 (many thanks from the entire group, this is a great guide).

1. Classic Drinkstand rides

2. Dianshan Lake rides

3. Canal rides

4. Canal Rides and down to the river

5. POI’s

6. News

Thanks JoeM for all these files.
